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    Weekly Reflections No. 1

    Hi there. I am trying a new format for this week’s blog post. Feedback is welcome and appreciated. Enjoy. -Stephanie Food & Nutrition During the school week, I typically do not make involved breakfasts for myself and my family, but we had some red potatoes to use up, a half-used onion in the fridge, a lone poblano pepper that I inadvertently left out of one of our Blue Apron dinners, and I had a flash of desire to make a nicer breakfast. So to Google I went for a “Healthy Egg Casserole” and found this lovely recipe from iFoodreal. I made some tweaks based on what we had on hand,…

  • General

    For the Love of Banana Bread

    I have been making banana bread for years. It’s something I can whip up without having to pull out a recipe and an easy weekday breakfast addition if I’m up early enough. We always have bananas on hand, and the ones that are getting a little too ripe are perfect contenders for creating this tender, delicious bread. The recipe I learned from my sweet mama and still use today is: 1 stick unsalted butter softened, a scant 3/4 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 to 3 mashed bananas (depending on size), 1/4 cup milk, 2 1/4 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1 teaspoon baking soda.…

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    Introduction & Welcome

    Hello! I’m Stephanie. I am passionate about all things health and wellness. This blog is devoted to topics related to moving, nourishing, and caring for our bodies, as well as optimizing our well-being so that we can live the longest, healthiest lives possible. I believe in simplicity when it comes to taking care of ourselves. If something is too complex, we might try it for a little while, but it will likely not become a long-term habit. I love when things are easy, systematic, and as enjoyable as possible. A little about me: I am a wife, mom, certified yoga and barre instructor, and work in the technology transfer field.…