I’m Steph. It’s lovely to meet you! I’m a wife, mom to three boys, coffee enthusiast, and deep health coach. A little background on me…
After studying dance in college, I discovered yoga and became intrigued with the field of complementary and alternative medicine. I became a certified yoga instructor and sought out Traditional Chinese medicine, aromatherapy, vegan/vegetarian diets, basically whatever I could find to explore in the field I did. At the time, I was determined to open a spa that offered yoga, massage and other bodywork therapies, hydrotherapy, luxe body products, the works.
As I’ve gotten older, taking care of my family and going through the life challenges we all experience, I’m not 100% sure that dream of a spa will ever come to fruition. But I still LOVE all things health and wellness and found a way to share these passions with others by becoming a deep health coach.
I believe our health and ability to grow are intimately connected, but HEALTH goes beyond the physical. It’s also the mental and emotional experiences we allow ourselves to witness and explore during our lifetimes. This is the messy, uncomfortable, and beautiful part of being a human. I love this exploration of growth and expansion, and it’s why I became a health coach.
When we start prioritizing our WHOLE selves, not just a single aspect of our health, the biggest, and really, the most profound changes actually happen on the INSIDE. These internal shifts begin taking place gradually as we implement small changes to our daily routines. And there eventually comes a time when we realize where we’ve arrived is a MUCH more expansive place than we ever anticipated at the beginning. Sure, the external results are satisfying and fun, but it’s the internal results that have TRANSFORMED us.
This is the work I lead my health coaching clients through. It’s a powerful way to start showing up for yourself and honoring what it means to be alive for YOU. If you are interested in wellness, movement, nutrition, self-care, and transformative GROWTH, please take a peak around here and connect with me. I would love to get to know you. xo